A thought on giving thanks....
Dec 29, 2021“In all things we should try to make ourselves be as grateful as possible. For gratitude is a good thing for ourselves, in a manner in which justice, commonly held to belong to others, is not. Gratitude pays itself back in large measure.”
—Seneca, Moral Letters, 81.19
As the year comes to a close, as some point you may have reflected back on your year. In terms of production, was it your best year ever? Or was it much like years past, plus or minus a few thousand? Maybe it was your worst year in a long time.
What about all the clients that were amazing and fun to work with? What about the agents that wronged you, the clients that departed you, the transactions that caused you to lose sleep?
In Ninja Selling, one of the daily practices is writing down at least five things you are grateful for - they call them the Daily Gratitudes. A day in real estate can be full of worry, injustices, tension, conflict, stress. Most of what comes at us during the day is well beyond our control. But to be grateful for everything that we have, and everything we have not, centers and grounds ourselves. No matter what comes at us each day, we are strong and ready. In fact, because we are so appreciative, the Universe kindly wants to give us more of what we want.