For Groups
Do you have a group that could benefit from interactive and dynamic content that leaves participants with new access to taking action?
Steven's belief is that "tried and true" works better than "shiny and new." Technology comes and goes; there is always a new fad. While salespeople in particular love to get caught up in shiny objects, deep down they know that their biggest success comes from doing what works. Steven has designed his programs so that "tried and true" gets delivered in a way that feels "shiny and new."
The primary focus is sales professionals within the real estate industry: realtors, loan officers, title representatives.
Programs can be tailored to the group's needs, while focus areas for discussion revolve around the following areas:
- Mindset
- Defining most important actions -> beating back distraction and the urgent
- Operating from a schedule
- Using responsibility and appreciation as motivation
For Individuals = Realtors, Loan Officers, Title Reps
Programs for individuals are designed to help people implement what they've learned...over time.
Almost none of us are equipped to learn something one day, and then completely transform ourselves and our business the next day. We all have likely heard at some point that new habits take an average of 66 days to implement.
These programs are designed with that basic human fact in mind. Developing the habits, skills, processes to take you to a place of working less, making more, and not feeling guilty about it - it happens over time.

If you are looking for silver bullets, over night success - this is the wrong place. Those things only exist in our imagination, but if you think you can find them somewhere else, congratulations.
For the rest of us mortals, it requires patience and perseverance. Those traits also develop over time.
The primary program is Making 50 Weeks Count: So you can have a year that makes a difference. Find out more here.
If you are looking for some tactical skills, like learning how to door knock, you can check out Door Knocking Mastery here.