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The market is not going to save us

rants May 06, 2023

This market is much harder than it seems. We are in spring, and spring is typically very active. Yet, for many agents in many markets, it feels like the bottom has fallen out.

Consider that when overall market activity is slower, agents blame their lack of production on the market. But when the market is flying high, and is literally operating like the wind at their back giving them business, the agents think it is themselves who deserve the credit. 

My point is that many agents have it backward. The market of the last few years (and one could even say the last 12) has been a gift. Many agents were doing business simply because they were in the right place at the right time.

Now you have to actually work. (And have patience - whole other discussion.)

That may seem like bad news. I invite you to look at it as the opposite: it's great news! Why? Because most agents aren't going to work. They don't know what has happened, they have no idea why, and they most definitely don't know what to do. Therefore, they will be out of business before you know it. Great news!

The bad news is that you have to be better. But also great news again! Now is your opportunity to double down on your real estate IQ. Now is the time to be a professional. 

When I moved to Colorado at the end of 2008, the economy and the real estate market were both in the toilet. It was bad. For most of 2009, when I went to the doors, there were many, many people home because...they had no job! That's bad! What was also crazy: I met lots of realtors who were essentially 'out of business', and they were looking for a J-O-B.

In 2009 I think I sold 8 or 9 houses. Not a lot. On the other hand, I was new to town, I knew zero people, I didn't know the market, and the real estate market was the worst it had ever been. I was knocking on doors every day and then waiting tables at night for that first year. I was committed. I was in action. I didn't quit. I knew I was going to make it through.

If you think it's hard now, wait until we get to July and August. By the end of the summer, it is going to feel like a ghost town out there. Activity will be lower, more homes will likely be on the market, and you will have buyers waiting for the prices to go lower and sellers freaking out on you about why their home is not sold. Awesome :-0

So...if you are going to stay in real estate, get going. Be ready for things to be harder. If you aren't prepared to do what it takes, aka work all day and wait tables at night, then you might as well just quit now. The market is not going to save any of us. We have to save ourselves. 'Saving' is not really the right word, but I think you get my point. There will be NO SHORTAGE OF OPPORTUNITY! There will be plenty of business for those who are out there looking for it. 

What I see right now are many agents as spectators. Agents who thrive this year will be those down on the court playing the game. Spectators sit in the stands and watch the action. Players are the action. Be in action.